



以下是E世博ESBALL适应性课程设计的例子. 这些标签来自于 交流⚡直流资源 页面. 如果您需要向本页添加其他示例,请联系 苏珊娜Wakim.


人性化 "leverages learning science and culturally responsive teaching to create an inclusive, equitable online class climate for today's diverse students" Learn more about Humanzing Michelle Pacansky-Brock的评论.

看到 Humanzing Showcaes from E世博ESBALL faculty who completed a 6-week 人性化 Academy.



加班政策示例 来自E世博ESBALL工作组.




参加ART3亚洲艺术史调查, 当地特定的亚洲社区(尤巴市锡克教徒), 马里斯维尔镇的中国, and Oroville/Chico Hmong communities) were incorporated by building “Cultural Connections.通过一系列的画布页面, different cultural communities throughout the area could be tied to learning units by providing local context for cultures and art that might seem so distant while simultaneously validating the experiences and voices of communities that are often marginalized.   



Mandeep Grewal编写

Contacting your students before starting the course is an excellent way to humanize your class. Since teaching online, I have started sending a 欢迎信 to my students. 我原以为欢迎信只适用于网络课程. But now, when I am face to face, I feel it is a necessary part of all modalities. 在信中,我发送了一些重要的信息,比如办公时间. 上课时间没有列在课程表上. Also, I've included my picture and brief information about my life and 家庭. The letter also provides information about the start and end dates of the course and what students will do during the first week. They also find out about the material they would need for the class. 有时,学生会回复我的信息并提出后续问题. 我尽量及时回复他们的信息,让他们觉得自己被倾听了. This communication introduces me to my students before they meet me on the first day of class. 同时,学生们也对课程有了更充分的准备.  

链接到示例: 欢迎信



生物学导论(BIOL 1)是一门通识教育课程. 当我们回顾BIOL 1 slo时, a couple BIOL 1 instructors discussed the question "How do we want a student that has taken BIOL 1 to be different from someone that has not taken BIOL 1"? 这导致了我们新的BIOL 1 SLO: 运用生物学原理, 批判性地分析证据, and summarize scientific conclusions to explain personal experiences and issues at the intersection of biology and society. I then asked myself how I could assess whether a student has met this outcome. 我决定和真正的观众(未来的BIOL 1学生)一起做一个项目, 朋友, 家庭, 社区), 而不是试卷或考试, 最好允许我的学生演示这个SLO. I then asked myself what content my students needed to learn in the lecture and lab activities of BIOL 1 in order to be prepared to complete this project and removed content from my course that did not support any of the course SLOs and refocused the course content on the biological principles needed to critically analyze biological evidence and summarize biological conclusions to explain personal experiences and issues at the intersection of biology and society.

链接到示例: 合成项目


When students feel welcomed and supported in a course I believe they are more likely to stick with the course through challenging circumstances. A Liquid Syllabus (Pacansky-Brock, 2014, 2017; Pacansky-Brock et al., 2020)用温暖缓解课前焦虑, nonverbal cues and hopeful language that demystifies what students need to know about your course to be successful in week one. It is a public, mobile-friendly website topped with your brief, imperfect welcome video (人性化在线STEM). I followed Michelle Pacansky-Brock's step-by-step instructions to construct my liquid syllabus. I send this online syllabus to my students 1 month (or as they register) and 1 week before the semester starts to welcome them to Introduction to 生物学. 

链接到示例: 生物1液体教学大纲


生物学导论(BIOL 1)是一门通识教育课程. I accept late work and encourage multiple revisions in BIOL 1 because I want to center learning. It is not important to me when a student demonstrates one of our course SLOs, 或者需要尝试多少次. 我想说复习是学习过程的一部分. I believe the best way to learn is to explore, get confused, review feedback, and then revise. 在探索了不同的分级策略后, 我决定在我的在线BIOL 1课程中使用规格评分. I plan to use standards-based grading in my hybrid BIOL 1 next semester. I recommend the @ONE Equitable Grading Strategies course if you are interested in exploring different grading strategies.

链接到示例: 生物1的评分



I connect with students in my online classes with weekly reflection assignments.  These are short assignments (often just one or two questions) that easy and quick to grade. The benefit is that thyey give me an opportunity to connect with each student every week about something beyond just the course assignments. I've found that I get to know my online students much better than my f2f students because of these reflections. Students often comment how much they appreciate these reflections because it helps them feel heard and cared about.

链接到示例: 每周反思




现代教室计划(MCP, n.d.)框架有三个主要的重点-混合教学, 自定进度结构和基于掌握的评分. One aspect of this approach allows students to choose due dates based on a Level of support they want. Those who prefer little support get one due date a week and focus on the main projects only. This is traditionally for students who have some programming experience but is also helpful for students who master the content quickly because it removes barriers that are not needed for their learning.  Most students need moderate support so they have three due dates a week; they must complete the coding practice, 但视频活动是可选的. Students who need more support have daily due dates that break down the projects into smaller tasks and require video and reading activities. 所有学生都可以访问所有内容, 他们的选择决定了他们在哪些任务上得到反馈. This strategy allows instructors to have more time for students who need more support and removes barriers for students who need less support.  


E世博ESBALL | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
