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Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices


Run-on sentences can be divided into two types. 第一种情况是作者在独立分句之间不加标点符号,也不加并列连词. The second is called a comma splice, 当两个或多个独立的子句只用逗号连接而没有连词时,会发生什么情况.

Example of a run-on sentence:

The flowers are beautiful they brighten the room. (Incorrect)

Example of a comma splice:

The flowers are beautiful, they brighten the room. (Incorrect)

Examples of correct alternatives:

The flowers are beautiful. They brighten the room.
The flowers are beautiful; they brighten the room.

A run-on sentence is not defined by its length! 一个句子很长并不意味着它就是一个连续句. As you will see, 句子的结构和标点符号的使用决定了一个句子是否是连词.

为了更好地理解连续句和逗号拼接, 回顾一下写一个语法正确的简单句的基本知识是很重要的:

一个简单句只由一个独立分句组成. 独立子句是包含主语和谓语的一组词,单独存在时形成一个完整的思想. 主语指的是某人或某事(主语至少包含一个名词或代词). 谓语是指主语做什么或是什么(谓语包含动词或动词). 主语和谓语都可以包含额外的描述性元素, such as adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, or other modifying phrases, 但在最基本的形式中,主语是句子中包含名词的部分, and the predicate contains the verb.

一个基本的独立子句由一个主语加上相应的谓语组成,一个句子就可以是完整和正确的. 演示简单句的基本结构, 找出构成主语的名词,把它和动词分开.

Subject Predicate Sentence
I am. I am.
The man studied. The man studied.
A frog jumped. A frog jumped.
Lola sings. Lola sings.

By dividing the noun and verb, 我们可以在一个简单的句子中添加修饰语,仍然可以看到两个基本部分, the subject and the predicate.

Subject Predicate
The man studied.
The kind man studied hard.
The kind man at the library studied hard for the test on Friday.


在看一个独立子句的结构时,思考是有帮助的 all elements of the subject separately from all elements of the predicate. 主语和谓语一起构成每个子句的两个基本和独立的部分.

Subject Predicate
The kind man and his wife studied hard for the test and read a book.
The man, his wife, and their child studied hard, read books, and ate dinner.


If the independent clause forms a complete thought, 句尾的句号表示句子已经完成. The period means STOP. 这句话结束了,新的一句话就要开始了.

当句子中存在多个主谓对时,会出现连用和逗号拼接. 在一个句子中,一个主谓对后面跟着另一个主谓对(形成单独的独立子句)。, 它们需要根据非常具体的标点和语法规则分开(或连接).

Look at the following example of a run-on sentence:

The kind man studied hard his wife read a book. (Incorrect)

如果我们把句子分成主语/谓语对(每个都是独立的从句), we see that two independent clauses exist, one following the other:

First independent clause Second independent clause
Subject Predicate Subject Predicate
The kind man studied hard his wife read a book.


如果没有正确的分离,两个独立的分句写在一起就形成了a run-on sentence. 一旦你能通过一个句子的错误结构来识别它, it is not hard to find a way to correct it.

When two independent clauses appear in one sentence, 它们必须以以下四种方式之一连接(或分离):

1. 这两个分句可以通过加一个句号组成两个句子.

2. 这两个分句可以用逗号和并列连词(comma plus: and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet).

3. The two clauses can be joined by a semicolon.

4. 这两个分句可以通过增加、改变、重新排列或删除单词来重写. 要做到这一点,最简单的方法是在从句之间加一个从属连词.

Notice that joining the independent clauses by a comma alone is NOT a choice. 当两个独立的子句只用逗号连接时,这种错误称为逗号 comma splice.

下表展示了四个正确的选项. When two independent clauses appear in a sentence, 试着想象一个中间栏,其中只有四种可能连接这两个子句:

First independent clause   Second independent clause
Subject Predicate 4 CORRECT
Subject Predicate
The kind man studied hard . (period) His wife read a book.
The kind man studied hard , and
, but
, or
, for
, nor
, so
, yet
(comma plus a coordinating conjunction)
his wife read a book.
The kind man studied hard ; (semicolon) his wife read a book.
The kind man studied hard while
because . . .
his wife read a book.

Please note again that in the above examples a comma alone is NOT one of the correct options.

The kind man studied hard, his wife read a book. (Incorrect)

两个独立分句之间单独的逗号形成一个 incorrect comma splice.


Summary (Including Related Grammar Rules)

1. An independent clause 包含一个主谓对,表达一个完整的思想.

Music makes my life worth living.

Subject Predicate
Music makes my life worth living.


2. A simple sentence is made up of only one independent clause:

Music makes my life worth living.


3. A run-on sentence 是由两个或多个独立的子句组成的,这些子句没有正确连接或应该组成单独的句子. 一个连句是由它的语法结构来定义的,而不是它的长度.

Incorrect: My favorite band is in town they are performing now.
Correct: My favorite band is in town. They are performing now.
Correct: 我最喜欢的乐队在城里,他们现在正在演出.


4. A comma splice 用逗号连接两个独立子句是错误的吗.

Incorrect: I love classical music, it makes me feel joyful.
Correct: 我喜欢古典音乐,因为它使我感到快乐.
Correct: I love classical music; it makes me feel joyful.


5. A compound sentence 包含两个或多个由逗号正确连接的独立子句 plus a coordinating conjunction or by a semicolon:


First independent clause   Second independent clause
Subject Predicate Comma and coordinating conjunction Subject Predicate
Music means a lot to me , and certain songs bring wonderful memories to mind.

Music means a lot to me; certain songs bring wonderful memories to mind.

First independent clause   Second independent clause
Subject Predicate Semicolon Subject Predicate
Music means a lot to me ; certain songs bring wonderful memories to mind.


6. A comma plus a coordinating conjunction can connect independent clauses correctly. 有七个并列连词(有时用首字母缩略词“”来记住)。fanboys"):

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


7. A complex sentence 包含一个独立子句和一个或多个从属子句. The dependent clause begins with a subordinating conjunction:

I always think of summer whenever they play that song.

First independent clause   Second independent clause
Subject Predicate Subordinating conjunction Subject Predicate
I always think of summer whenever they play that song.


8. A subordinating conjunction 将从属子句连接到独立子句. The dependent clause cannot stand alone; it requires attachment to an independent clause in order to express the complete meaning of the sentence. 下面是一些最常见的从属连词:

after, although, as, as if, because, before, even though, if, in order that, rather than, since, so that, than, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, whether, while



Sentence Type and Purpose




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