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Objective and Subjective Claims

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客观主张是对事实的陈述,可以被证明是真的或假的. 对于事实问题,存在着广泛认可的标准和方法来确定一项主张是真还是假. A subjective claim, on the other hand, is not a factual matter; it is an expression of belief, opinion, or personal preference. 主观主张不能用任何普遍接受的标准来证明是对还是错.

Objective claims & facts
An objective claim may be true or false; 客观的事物并不意味着它就是真实的. 以下是客观主张,因为它们涉及事实问题, that is, 真伪:可证实为真或假的事情:

Five plus four equals ten.

Now, the first statement of fact is true (as of this writing); the other two are false. 可以验证建筑物的高度,并确定台北101是所有建筑物的最高高度. 设计一个实验来证明五加四是可能的 not 等于10或使用既定的标准来确定冥王星是否是一颗行星.

如果有新的标准,以前被认为是正确的事实可能会被认为是错误的, methods, or technology emerge. For example, the definition of planet was recently revised. 专家们一致认为冥王星不符合新的公认标准. 从那时起,“我们的太阳系有九颗行星”的说法就错了. 即使事实陈述显然是错误的,它仍然是对事实问题的客观主张.

一个陈述是一个事实,即使你只能想象一种验证它的方法. 例如,假设我声称类人生命存在于我们银河系外的行星上. 我可以想象出可以用来确定这是否正确的方法, 即使我不能把它们带出去——派一艘超光速的宇宙飞船去看看, perhaps. However, when I imagine methods I may not indulge in pure fantasy; I must use widely recognized criteria. 如果大家一致认为超光速旅行是不可能的, 那么我想象中的使用超光速飞船的测试就不符合公认的标准了. 我必须提出另一种方法来检验我的说法,使用可接受的标准. 不管你不相信还是不同意我的说法, it is an objective claim; either there is or there is not humanoid life outside our galaxy, 不管我们俩信不信.

Subjective claims & opinions
In contrast to objective claims, 主观主张不能用任何普遍接受的标准来证明真假. 主观要求通常表达意见、偏好、价值、感觉和判断. Even though they may involve facts, 他们没有提出事实(可证明)的主张, and therefore they are, in a sense, 既不是真也不是假,就像客观的说法是真还是假一样. 它们超出了可证实的范围. 例如,考虑以下主观主张:

Trout tastes better than catfish.
Touching a spider is scary.
Hamsters make the best pets.

While we know that it is a fact that people eat fish, that spiders can be touched, that Venus Williams is an athlete, and that people befriend hamsters, all of the above are value 不能用任何被广泛接受的标准来证明真假的说法. 我们也可以很容易地提出以下反主张:

Catfish is much tastier than trout.
Touching a spider is fascinating.
Everyone should have a cat.

In matters of opinion, 没有普遍接受的标准或方法来证明一个或另一个说法的真假. 上述两种相反的说法都不是错的,或者两者都是对的. 仅仅因为一个主张是主观的,并不意味着它是错误的.


is considered to be
it's likely that
it suggests
may mean that
would seem


The illusion of opposites
因为客观并不能保证真理, 既然主观性不一定是错误的, 客观并不是主观性的对立面,这是有道理的. Subjectivity and objectivity are different ways of knowing.

把主观性和客观性误认为对立面会导致哲学上的问题立场, morality, and ethics. 如果你对这方面的调查感兴趣, 你可以从加州西谷学院的桑德拉·拉弗的《E世博ESBALL》开始:

因为主观性是一种不同的认识方式, 尊重地参与与那些主观主张与自己不同的人的对话是很重要的. 即使不同意一个人的观点,你也可以尊重他. As Voltaire said, "I may disagree with what you say, 但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利."

相信每个人都有权发表意见,并不意味着每种意见都一样好. Not all opinions are equally valuable. Some opinions are better informed, more practical, 或者更有同情心——对整个人类更好, you might say. Defective opinions and judgments, 基于有缺陷的事实或有缺陷的推理, may be worse than foolish or impractical; they may be harmful-witness the Holocaust, 恶毒的种族主义观点付诸行动的结果.

Cultivate the ability to distinguish objective from subjective; it is crucial to the critical evaluation of claims, intellectual honesty, and respectful dialogue.

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